Thursday, September 23, 2010

Chapter 3 and 4

These chapters were very interesting and thought provoking as well, which was great. I there were many quotes that I loved and would like to share.

The first quote comes from the very first page in the first paragraph from chapter 3, is says, "a good teacher communicates a deep regard for students lives, a regard infused with unblinking attention, respect, even awe. An engaged teacher begins with the belief that each student is unique, each the one and only that will ever trod the earth, each worthy of a certain reverence."
There are a couple words that really stick with me from this quote. Those words are awe, and reverence. The entire quote is really great but those words stick out the most. Using the word awe, to me, make it so your student almost is on a pedestal of importance. Using the word reverence is a word that you don't often hear in the context of talking about students in a classroom but i think it fits in this case.

The second quote that I love is this,
" No child feels honored if he or she is seen as an interchangeable part-a widget like thousands of other widgets-a nameless entity with no identity outside the classroom and a sketchy one at best inside."
This quote talk about what I feel is the most important aspect of becoming a teacher that students can trust. Students need to feel important not just as a student or as a class but as individuals as well. A child does need to feel honored and not just a widget with not importance.

The third quote says this,
"In many classrooms 'fair' means making sure that everyone is treated exactly the same way....its more productive to think about crafting a classroom in which people work toward making sure each person gets what he or she needs to grow and develop as fully as possible."
I totally agree with this quote and what it means. That is the whole reason why we use differentiation in the classroom, to make sure each of our students needs are being met. If we are treating every student the same and not thinking about each student individually then those students will stay stagnant and not grow or learn in the way that they need.

1 comment:

  1. To honor our students with awe and respect leads us to make things "fair" for everyone.
